Visiting instructions
Museum Torture

No entry to people under the age of 18 unaccompanied by an adult.

Entrance to the museum is not barrier-free.

There are sharp edges, heavy objects, pointed instruments in the museum and there is a risk of injury, but the visitor is aware of this fact and enters the museum at his own risk.

The museum operator is not responsible for any injuries.

There is a risk of falling masonry in the museum premises.

The use of exhibits is prohibited (exhibits are painted with a protective coat).

It is strictly forbidden to tamper with any exhibited exhibit.

The operator is not responsible for the loss of personal belongings in the museum premises.

No entry beyond marked areas (chains, rope, tape).

No flash photography!

The museum premises are monitored by a camera system and protected by a security agency.

For the maximum experience of the exhibition, the visit can take up to an hour.

The tour is individual, it is not provided by the guided method.

Entry with animals is only possible in a portable box or bag.
Každý návštěvník muzea je povinen se řídit těmito podmínkami pro vstup do prostor sklepení, souhlasí s těmito podmínkami a stvrzuje, že s nimi byl seznámen a chápe je v plném rozsahu. Za neuposlechnutí návštěvního řádu budou vyvozeny patřičné důsledky. Pro hrubé porušení bude návštěvník vykázán. Vstup do prostor muzea na vlastní nebezpečí. Tento návštěvní řád nabývá okamžité platnosti. Právo na změnu kdykoli vyhrazeno.

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Robert Pospíchal
tel.: +420 727 94 54 24
Our partners:
Tips to visit:
Robert Pospíchal ml.
tel.: +420 702 194 933
muzeum mucicich nastroju
muzeum mučicích nástrojů

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